
Things Guys Can’t Live Without

I checked the internet to see what are the things that men can’t live without. And here are the results.

From, here are their list.
1. Red meat
2. Beer
3. Junk food
4. Sports
5. Internet
6. Video Games
7. Oral Sex
8. Porn
9. Strip Club
10. Pills
11. Remote Control
12. A comfortable chair

From 1st Class Lifestyle, here’s their top 3 answers.
1. Bromance
2. Space
3. Women

From Family Man Secret, they have 10 things men cant live without
1. Bigotry
2. Getting a deal
3. Boobs/ butt
4. Meat
5. Strip Club
6. Sports Center
7. Fantasy Sports
8. Own Space
9. Legacy
10. Violence

From, they listed 6 things men cant live without.
1. Gadget
2. Dirty magazines/DVDs
3. Love making
4. Car/bike
5. Strip Club
6. Space

From the lists above, we can say that there are three major things which men cant live without. And that is Sports, Women and Space.